Friday, November 7, 2008
Going Private
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Happy late Halloween
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I'm a Slacker!
Here's Santa's newest elf in training!
So here's my blog for the next few weeks, take your time reading it because like I said it might be a while before it happens again. Right now we are making Gavin stay awake after 5pm so he'll sleep better, which he does. But we have to deal with "Oscar the Grouch" from 5 to 8 (bedtime) because he is so tired and grumpy. Oh well, just a phase we have to go through I guess. So Gav is almost 4 months and is growing like crazy. I was looking through some pictures and had to post some of my favorites from when he was teeny.
Gavin playing with "Puppy" his new favorite toy that must go everywhere he goes.
P.S. The World Series is almost here!!!!!! Go Phillies since the Yankees didn't make it!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Catch up on Sleep!!
Coby Knudsen, Kris Bartholomew the happy groom, and Carl. These guys have been best friends and have had a lot of fun growing up together. It was fun to get them together for a picture!
The leopard print wedding cake...let me know what you think of it!
The centerpieces for the tables.
My handsome husband in his tux. He hated the darn thing, but I thought he looked pretty darn cute in it!
So we had a really fun weekend, we stayed at the Little America Hotel last night which was fun. Carl is such a good husband and treats me good. I couldn't have asked for a better husband and father for Gavin! Now we are in Salina for the night and are glad to be back with Gavin. I think he has grown in the two days we have been gone. So after a fun filled weekend of sleeping in and not having to wake up for feedings at 3:00am, we are back to our normal routine and I wouldn't have it any other way!!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Did you miss me?
So my photography isn't that great, I was trying to take pictures of me and Gavin and got a little sliver of myself. Oh well, he sure seems to like me!
Carl and his Dad trying to find Laurie's sunglasses.
This is cousin Malia. She at so much candy at the lake that the rest of the day she was running around like the energizer bunny. I love the dirty face!
So there's our life in a nutshell. When we get more exciting news I promise I'll blog again.
Monday, August 18, 2008
New Job
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Fun Fun Fun
So that is our life in a nutshell right now. We are just enjoying each other and enjoying watching Gavin grow. Life is good, I can't complain but I better get going because I left Carl home with Gav and one can only imagine what kind of trouble might be taking place! XOXO
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Girl Weekend
We got to Logan and Brit surprised us with the craft. Way cute decorative blocks for our houses, so I'm a bad describer and don't have my camera so to see pics go to Brit and Brandon's blogspot. We went to the farmers market Saturday morning which was so much fun and got some raspberries, apricots, and peas and then began our day. We had loads of fun shopping and just doing girl stuff. Gavin did pretty well with a few emotional outbursts here and there, but what can you expect. All in all it was a great weekend! Now we are back home and struggling to get little Gav man to sleep in his crib. He slept for a few hours in his pack and play last night because I was desperate and rolled up two towels and layed him in the middle of them. He felt like he was being held and actually did pretty good, but by about 4 this morning he wasn't going for it so he slept on me. I know he is very spoiled because I hold him to get him to sleep, but he's my baby and I just can't help it. He gives me the puppy dog eyes and the lip and I just can't handle it. Any advice from other mothers would be greatly appreciate!!!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Our Little Gav Man!
This is Gavin with my Grandpa Wanlass. Grandpa loves Gavin, he's the first great grandchild on the Wanlass side and has Grandpa wrapped around his little finger.
So there is our little man! We love him so much and can't wait to share more fun pics with you all!!! Brit is teaching me how to blog better and this weekend we are having our 2nd annual girl weekend so I will definetly have more pics to share!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Gavin Update
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
2. Five things on your to do list today: *Scrapbook Gavin's pictures *Laundry *Go to the post office if Gavin permits *Take a nap *Try to clean the house...not likely to get done
3. Snacks I enjoy: I am a snack freak. I love anything salty and basically anything that isn't good for you. I guess that explains the 50 pounds i gained with Gavin and the fun time I'm having trying to get rid of it.
4. What would I do if suddenly I were a billionaire? Buy a house and a car i don't have to get down into. Then I would send my parents on a fantastic trip and help them and Carl's family with anything they needed.
5. 3 bad habits: *Biting my nails (I think that's common in my family) *Leaving dishes in the sink *Laziness
6. 5 places I've lived:*Redmond, UT*Salina, UT*Cedar City, UT *Mayfield, UT *Ogden, UT and now Nephi
7. 5 jobs I've had:*Babysitting*"Sandwich Artist" @ Subway*Reporter for The Salina Sun *Lead Receptionist for Burch Creek Animal Hospital *MOMMY!!!!!!
8. 5 things people don't know about me: hmm.....this is a tough one.*I have a purse fetish. I look for a new purse everywhere I go, sorry Brit I copied this one from you.*I am a major germaphob and clorox wipe everything *I love doing tedious things like cut things out, organize papers, at Burch Creek I loved going through mountains of reports to check prices and inventory.*I really don't like feet. I think they are the most disgusting thing i've ever seen and i hate it when Carl touches me with his feet!!!!! *I am a movie FREAK!! That is mine and Carl's greatest date is renting a movie and relaxing together. Loads of fun!
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Baby Update
Carl is home alone with him right now while I am with my sisters. He was pretty nervous, but has been doing awesome as a dad! We are so excited to finally have him here and look forward to posting more pictures of our cutie!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Our Baby is here!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
come on baby!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Doctor Appointment
Thursday, June 5, 2008
I also thought I'd recognize Carl and his classmates from WSU. Most of them have taken their tests to be Registered Respiratory Therapists and have passed!!!!!!!! What a huge relief so way to go guys! Carl met some really great people up at Weber and I hope we can keep in touch with them. We both got lucky and met good friends - I miss all my friends from Burch Creek. They are great people! I can't wait to go visit them with the baby, he'll be loved and spoiled by all up there.
Well, I guess I've made a few minutes pass so I'll head back home. Wish me luck and if anyone has any good, easy ideas for a huge pregnant woman to do, feel free to let me know.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Answer the following with only one word.
1. Where is your cell phone? .................... pocket
2. Your significant other?....................... HOT!
3. Your hair?.................................... Messy
4. Your mother? ................................. Amazing
5. Your father?.................................. Understanding
6. Your favorite thing?.......................... Relaxing
7. Your dream last night?........................ No Sleep
8. Your favorite drink........................... Coke
9. Your dream/goal?.............................. House
10. The room you're in?.......................... Library
11. Your children?..................................... Unborn
12. Your fear?................................... Water
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years........... Nephi
14. Where were you last night?................... Home
15. What you're not?............................. Dishonest
16. Muffins...................................... Poppyseed
17. One of your wish list items?................. Shoes
18. Where you grew up?........................... Salina
19. What you read last........................ Scriptures
20. What are you wearing?........................ Comfortable
21. Your TV?..................................... Old
22. Your pets?................................... Wimp
23. Your computer? .............................. Dusty
24. Your life?................................... Happy
25. Your mood?................................... On Edge
26. Missing someone?............................. Carl
27. Your car?.................................... Dirty
28. Something you're not wearing?................ shorts
29. Favorite Store?.............................. Walmart
30. Your summer?................................. Busy
31. Like someone?................................ ?
32. Your favorite color?......................... Purple
33. Last time you laughed........................ Today
34. Last time you cried?......................... Today
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tag Your It!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Ready for a baby!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Happy Anniversary
We talked to Elder Brown yesterday! He is full of manners with Yes Ma'ams and Sirs but he sounds really good. He left a really fun message on the answering machine for us to listen to when we have a bad day and need to hear his voice so that was fun too. 10 months and he'll be home! The countdown is on for March 20, 2009. Go Elder Brown, we are all so proud of him!!!!!!!!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Sunday, May 4, 2008
We made it
Monday, April 28, 2008
Getting ready
Well, there's my update for a few days. Once I get settled into Nephi I will get more pictures and more postings up. I have to have Brit take me through a blogger lesson first because I have no idea what I am doing. So you'll hear from me again but it might be a while. Later!